Judge Claudia Wilken’s recent ruling in O’Bannon et al. v.
NCAA et al., Case No. 4:09-cv-03329 (N.D.Ca.), in which the
judge called the NCAA a “cartel” that restrains the college athletics market,
many commentators have forecasted the end of the NCAA. But, despite the
broad language of the opinion, the impact of the injunction awarded against the
NCAA may be rather limited. As written, the injunction can be seen as a
small victory for the NCAA, temporarily holding off the full impact of the
decision and allowing the NCAA to reexamine its policies before any further
erosion of the considerable power it has amassed by marketing and promoting the
college athletes that now form the class of plaintiffs in the action. As
detailed below, the full economic and legal impact may not be ascertained for
years, when the Court’s ruling — if it stands — will have been implemented at
major college athletic scholarship programs.
In this
class action suit, a group of current and former college men’s basketball and
football players, led by former UCLA basketball player Ed O’Bannon, sued the
NCAA, alleging that the NCAA’s rules barring athletes from receiving a share of
the revenues that the NCAA earns from licensing athletes’ names, images, and
likenesses violates the Sherman Antitrust Act. The players originally
sought both a permanent injunction, enjoining the NCAA from enforcing the
player compensation ban, and damages; however, in May (less than a month before
trial), the players decided to forego their damage claims and pursue only the
injunction. Besides removing the individual damages claims, which many
thought were weaker and which would have been decided by a jury, the
plaintiffs’ decision to pursue only injunctive relief also ensured that the
claims would only be heard by the judge, who had seemed skeptical of the NCAA’s
defenses from the outset.
The case
went to trial over three weeks in June, where numerous experts, athletes, and
school administrators testified regarding the anti-competitive harm alleged by
the players and the NCAA’s justifications for maintaining “amateurism” in
college sports. In a key moment for the players, the NCAA’s own
preeminent antitrust expert agreed that he had called the NCAA a “cartel” in a
prior publication. This concession and the Court’s subsequent finding on the
cartel issue left the NCAA with defenses that seemed deflated in Judge Wilken’s
On August
8, the Court issued a 99-page ruling in the case, finding that the “challenged
NCAA rules unreasonably restrain trade in the market for certain educational
and athletic opportunities offered by NCAA Division 1 schools” and ruling in
favor of the plaintiffs. First, the Court found that the players had
properly alleged two relevant national markets, the “college education market”
and the “group licensing market,” impacted by the NCAA’s athlete compensation ban.
The Court then found that the NCAA’s rules restrained trade in these
markets, acting as both a “sellers’ cartel” and, alternatively, a “buyers’
cartel.”1 The Court also rejected each of the NCAA’s pro-competitive justifications for
its rules. The NCAA had argued that the compensation ban was procompetitive
because it (1) preserved amateurism in college sports, (2) promoted competitive
balance among teams, (3) helped integrate academics and athletics,2 and
(4) generated greater output by increasing opportunities for schools and
student-athletes to participate in Division 1 sports. The Court analyzed and
rejected each of these justifications in striking terms, finding that the
NCAA’s overly restrictive compensation ban played a limited role in driving
consumer demand for Division 1 football and basketball. Instead, the Court
agreed with the plaintiffs’ argument that the NCAA could adopt less restrictive
rules that limited the anticompetitive effects while allowing the NCAA to
pursue its stated objectives. Specifically, Judge Wilken found that that the
plaintiffs showed “that the NCAA could permit FBS football and Division 1 basketball
schools to use the licensing revenue . . . to fund stipends covering the cost
of attendance” and could “permit schools to hold limited and
equal shares of that licensing revenue in trust for the student-athletes”
(emphasis added). The word “limited” is important: while the Court held that a
complete ban on compensation to football and basketball players was
anticompetitive, it recognized that the NCAA still could impose significant
limitations on such compensation, essentially setting a floor of $5,000 per
completing its analysis, the Court issued a separate permanent injunction,
which by its terms only applies to men’s basketball and football players
enrolled after July 1, 2016. It enjoins the NCAA from
prohibiting “deferred compensation in an amount of $5,000 per year or less” for
the licensing of athletes’ names, images, and likenesses through a trust fund
payable upon expiration of athletic eligibility or graduation.” The
injunction also prevents the NCAA from prohibiting the inclusion of
compensation up to the full cost of attending college. (The NCAA’s rules
had previously capped scholarship awards to an amount below the full cost of
attendance.) In response to a motion for clarification filed by the NCAA,
the Court clarified that the injunction would apply to “prospective and current
student-athletes for the 2016-2017 season and beyond.” The NCAA recently filed
its notice that it planned to appeal the decision to the Ninth Circuit.
The broad
and lengthy findings in the Court’s opinion are interesting when compared with
the limited and somewhat arbitrary relief awarded in the injunction.
While the NCAA is appealing the ruling, the injunction could arguably be
seen as a win for the NCAA, creating a minimal “salary cap,” rather than opening
up the market for six-figure student athlete salaries. Yet, that minor
victory may be temporary, as the opinion raises a world of new questions as the
NCAA and its member schools begin to imagine a drastically different college
sports environment.
it’s possible that the O’Bannon injunction, as it is currently
written, will actually apply to few student athletes. The injunction
itself only applies to men’s basketball and football players playing in the
2016-2017 season or later, most of whom were not eligible members of the class
of plaintiffs. Future players, currently in high school and likely uncertain of
their future in college athletics, cannot conceivably be bound by the Court’s
ruling. If a star quarterback entering college in 2016 wanted to sue the
NCAA to receive more than the currently allowed $5,000 yearly trust fund
payment or to prevent the money from being placed in a trust at all, he could
do so.
the potentially limited injunction, the Court’s sweeping holding — if it survives
the NCAA’s appeal — could have broad implications for college sports in the
future, beyond those contemplated in the opinion. The Court’s finding
that it operates as a “cartel” could haunt the NCAA in subsequent actions, even
if the current suit has little practical import. If baseball or women’s
basketball gain in popularity and begin generating revenues for the NCAA or its
member schools, the NCAA would have difficulty arguing that O’Bannon opinion
did not contemplate compensation to those players as well, despite a
technically, narrow class in the O’Bannon case. In
addition, while O’Bannon class members chose not to pursue
their damages claims, it is possible that non-class-member basketball and
football players could seek individual damages based on the NCAA’s decades-long
practice of licensing players’ name, image, and likeness. The “limited”
restraint allowed by the injunction — such as the somewhat arbitrary $5,000 cap
on compensation, the fact that players on the same team must be compensated
equally, and the fact that all compensation must be held in a trust until
graduation — could also be challenged in future lawsuits. These
limitations, minimally justified in the opinion (if discussed at all), are
arguably inconsistent with the Court’s sweeping findings and may be the next to
In many
ways, the NCAA is a victim of its own success in turning college athletics into
a big business. Many people object to college athletics being viewed as a
business, but given the NCAA’s tremendous success in marketing itself, its
member schools, and their football and basketball teams, it is hard to argue
that college athletics is not a business — in fact, a very big business.
Antitrust law is specifically designed to ensure competition and therefore, plaintiffs
bring cases, they say, to regulate big business, break up cartels, and ensure a
competitive free market economy. Antitrust law, with its focus on economic
theory, is not particularly well designed to protect amateurism, cherished
traditions, or academic integrity. In this case, the NCAA was forced to defend
its compensation ban in terms of procompetitive business justifications,
but the real justification for the compensation ban is not rooted in economic
theory but in a self-protective view of amateurism in college athletics. There
may be very good policy reasons why college athletics should not be governed by
the same competitive free market principles that govern other businesses but,
absent some action by Congress, the NCAA, ironically, must play by the rules
(of antitrust law). The limitations in Judge Wilkin’s injunction — allowing the
NCAA to impose a $5,000 salary cap, deferred compensation, and equal pay to
athletes — have been criticized as arbitrary. Indeed, these rules are the type
of line-drawing and policy decisions that are usually made by legislators — not
judges. Despite the NCAA’s loss, those limitations likely will mean that
college athletics will not change very much as a result of the injunction
issued in this case. The question remains, however, whether this case has
opened the door to broader challenges and more pervasive changes to college
athletics in the future.
[1] The
Court’s finding that the NCAA’s practices amounted to a monopsony, or an
agreement to fix prices among buyers rather than sellers, is significant, as
the outcome of the case may have been predetermined on this finding.
[2] As
an editorial matter, one could quarrel with the Court’s adoption of testimony
and the position that the commitment required of scholarship athletes impeded
academic achievement. Many students achieve academically while balancing school
with other work and family obligations, some of which exceed the athlete’s
NOTE: This article was authored by Womble Carlyle attorneys David Hamilton, Jason Hicks, and Amanda Norris Ames and first appeared in the Sports Litigation Alert and Legal Issues in College Athletics.
Labels: antitrust, competition, monopsony, NCAA, O'Bannon, sports, sports leagues